Pilot Elite 95S. Born in 1969, Pilot Elite S is a pocket pen series created during a time when many fountain pen companies spent their time and energy making fountain pen portable. At the beginning of the decade, Pilot introduced Vanishing Point, a retractable and portable fountain pen. Vanishing Point took a lot of investment from Pilot, but with the success of Pilot Elite, Pilot was able to recover from their financial crisis from 1968. In 2013, to celebrate the 95th anniversary, Pilot re-introduced this pen and named the current version 95S. 14K Gold Nib The Elite E95 collection is a great design from a previous era with the elegant, stream-lined look of a classic 1960’s fountain pen. Comes with Con-40 and a spare cartridge Available in Black and Burgundy/Ivory Compatible cartridges can be found here: Pilot/Namiki Fountain Pens
Size | Extra Fine, Fine, Medium |